

Shop hours

Monday-Wednesday  CLOSED
Thursday-Friday 10-2
Saturday 11-5
Sunday 1-5
or by appointment
Hours occasionally change - check @cutelittleruin on Instagram for updates


We are located inside the Tyler Station building in Dallas' Oak Cliff neighborhood.
 1300 S Polk St, Suite 243 (inside entrance A or B and down the hall)


Occasionally she uses the royal we, but Cute Little Ruin is owned and operated by Rachel Raskin Grandstaff (she/her - hi!). A former teacher with a history degree, she has collected vintage items since the late 1990's and worked in shops from small-town Wisconsin to New York City. Cute Little Ruin began in 2016 as an online vintage shop and opened as a brick-and-mortar in the fall of 2022.

A self-taught sewist, she combines extensive knowledge of vintage garments and textiles with a range of hand and machine sewing techniques. This ensures that mending clients leave with repairs that maintain the structural and historical integrity of their most loved items.